Here's a CV in html format. You can also download the PDF version.
Name | Piyush Sao |
Label | Research Scientist | | |
Phone | +1(404) 405 9940 |
Summary | Research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), focusing on improving scientific computing and machine learning algorithms using high-performance computing platforms. |
2019.08 - Present Research Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Research scientist in the Computational Data Analytics Group, focusing on enhancing scientific computing and machine learning algorithms through high-performance computing platforms.
2018.08 - 2019.07 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Postdoctoral research associate in the Computer Science Research Group.
2014.05 - 2014.08 -
2013.05 - 2013.08 Summer Intern
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Summer intern at the Computational Research Division.
2011.01 - 2018.01 Graduate Research Assistant
Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate research assistant at Georgia Institute of Technology.
2018.01 - 2018.01 Atlanta, GA, USA
2016.01 - 2016.01 Atlanta, GA, USA
2011.01 - 2011.01 Madras, India
Bachelor of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering, Minor: Theoretical Computer Science
2011.01 - 2011.01 Madras, India
Master of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering, Specialization: Microelectronics and VLSI design
- 2022.01.01
ORNL Special Performance Award
For outstanding research contributions in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division
- 2022.01.01
SC22 Gordon Bell Finalist
(Media), Finalist for submission "Exaflops biomedical knowledge graph analytics"
- 2022.01.01
SIAM PP22 Best Paper Prize
(Link), Winner of the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Best Paper Prize; (SIAM News), (ORNL News)
- 2021.01.01
R&D 100 Award Finalist
- 2020.01.01
SC20 Gordon Bell Finalist
(Link), Finalist for submission "Scalable Knowledge Graph Analytics at 136 PetaFlop/s"
- 2019.01.01
ORNL Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Associate
For outstanding research contributions in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division
- 2019.01.01
(Link), Member of the technical team that placed the Summit Supercomputer at ORNL 4th in the prestigious Graph500 List
2022.01.01 Exaflops biomedical knowledge graph analytics
2022 SC22: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC) IEEE Computer Society
2022.01.01 A single-tree algorithm to compute the Euclidean minimum spanning tree on GPUs
Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing
2021.01.01 Sparse Binary Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Neuromorphic Computers
2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW) IEEE
2020.01.01 A supernodal all-pairs shortest path algorithm
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
2020.01.01 Scalable knowledge graph analytics at 136 petaflop/s
SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis IEEE
2020.01.01 Scalable All-pairs Shortest Paths for Huge Graphs on Multi-GPU Clusters
Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
2019.06.26 A Communication-Avoiding 3D Sparse Triangular Solve Algorithm
International Conference on Supercomputing
2019.01.01 Self-stabilizing Connected Components
2019 IEEE/ACM 9th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS) IEEE
2019.01.01 Multifrontal Non-negative Matrix Factorization
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics Springer
2018.05.01 A communication-avoiding 3D LU factorization algorithm for sparse matrices
Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
2015.01.01 A Sparse Direct Solver for Distributed Memory Xeon Phi-accelerated Systems
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2015 IEEE International IEEE
2014.01.01 A distributed CPU-GPU sparse direct solver
European Conference on Parallel Processing Springer
C |
Python |
C++ |
MPI | |
Parallel Programming |
OpenMP | |
Parallel Programming |
CUDA | |
Parallel Programming |
Matlab | |
Scientific Packages | |
Visualization |
NumPy | |
Scientific Packages |
Pandas | |
Scientific Packages |
Scientific Packages |
Matplotlib | |
Visualization |
d3.js | |
Visualization |
GraphViz | |
Visualization |
Inkscape | |
Visualization |
SQL | |
General Purpose |
Latex | |
General Purpose |
Git | |
General Purpose |
Dr. Richard Vuduc | |
Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, 266 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, Email:, Tel: 404-385-3355, Web: |
Dr. Xiaoye Sherry Li | |
Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, Email:, Tel: 510-486-6684, Fax: 510-486-5812, Web:∼xiaoye |